WATCH: CBS News Host Says Trump Is ‘Divorced From Reality’

The news media is starting to push back against Donald Trump pretty emphatically since he claimed that the media is intentionally not reporting terrorist attacks. Of course, that is a total lie.

Trump administration released a list of terror attacks that they claim were under-reported – but the problem with their list is that the attacks were in fact covered quite heavily by the press.

Here is the video of the CBS News segment:


CBS News Host Scott Pelly said:

“Today President Trump told a U.S. military audience there have been terrorist attacks that no one knows about because the media choose not to report them. It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality. Mr. Trump said this morning that any polls, that show disapproval of his immigration ban are fake.

He singled out a federal judge for ridicule after the judge suspended his ban and Mr. Trump said that the ruling now means that anyone can enter the country.

The President’s fictitious claims whether imaginary or fabricated are now worrying even his backers, particularly after he insisted that millions of people voted illegally giving Hillary Clinton her popular vote victory. There’s not one state election official—Democrat or Republican—who supports that claim.”