WATCH: Trump Associate Sure Sounds Like He’s Hiding Something
Watch @chrislhayes pin down Carter Page into this
A+ answer: “I will say that I never met [Sergey Kislyak] anywhere outside of Cleveland.”
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) March 3, 2017
Donald Trump’s former foreign policy adviser, in an interview Thursday seemed to be trying to hide the nature of his relationships and communications with Russia while he was a member of the Trump campaign. Carter Page who served as one of Trump’s few foreign policy advisers seemed to avoid answering questions about his meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at the Republican National Convention.
Carter Page, an investment banker with extensive business ties in Russia, was interviewed Thursday night by MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
“I’m not going to deny that I talked to him. Although I will say that I never met him anywhere outside of Cleveland,” Page said. “Let’s just say that much.”
Page went on to say, “I may have met him possibly, what might have been in Cleveland,” he said. “Again, I’m respectful to the organizers; I’m respectful to confidentiality rules.”
Hayes pressed Page saying, “There’s this pattern, which you appear to be part of, in which there’s this kind of bizarre disassembling about the basic facts of the matter,” he said. “Do you understand why that reads to people as fishy?”