Republican Tells Poor Americans Who Will Lose Health Insurance: Don’t Buy New iPhone

The Republicans rolled out their disastrous plan to replace Obamacare on Monday and immediately it’s clear that millions will potentially lose their health insurance is the Republican plan becomes law. A key provision of the Republican plan is to take benefits away from the most vulnerable – poor and older Americans.

Republican Jason Chaffetz was asked about those poor Americans who will lose their health insurance and his answer – don’t buy the new iPhone.

“Americans have choices—and they’ve got to make a choice,” Chaffetz said during an appearance on CNN’s New Day on Tuesday morning. “So maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care.”


Chaffetz statement tells you pretty much everything you need to know about Republican ideology. According Republicans, poor people just need to manage their money better and then magically they won’t be poor. And if the Republican government takes health insurance away from poor Americans, the reason they can’t afford to buy insurance themselves is because they buy iPhones.

While Republicans serve up heartless statements like this, 20 million people who have gained insurance through Obamacare wait and wonder whether they will be able to go to a doctor in the years to come.