Older, Low-Income Americans Will Be Hardest Hit By Trumpcare
The bad news continues to roll in for the Republican health care plan. And new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that the groups hardest hit by the Republican Obamacare replacement plan are older, low-income Americans.
The Republican health plan would do away with Obamacare subsidies and offer much smaller tax credits based on income and age. However the net effect is a massive drop in federal subsidies for people who are older, particularly those living with a low-income, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Trump voters most hurt by Republican’s Obamacare replacement
Older voters were a big part of Trump’s constituency in 2016. However a county-by-county analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation analyzed how the small tax credits would affect various age and income groups compared to the existing subsidies they get from Obamacare.
And when you compare the Kaiser numbers to the 2016 election results – a very clear pattern emerges.
Trump counties would see a much bigger drop in the tax subsidies they are receiving to help them pay for insurance premiums.
As you can see from the graph below, older, low-income people are hit the hardest by the Republican plan. For example, a 60-year-old person making $20,000 a year is currently receiving $9,874 in federal subsidies under Obamacare. But that same 60-year-old making $20,000 a year would only get a $4,000 tax credit under the Republican plan meaning they would have to pay the $5,874 difference out of their own pockets.
Now ask yourself, how likely do you think a 60-year-old person making $20,000 a year is to be able come up with that kind of money? $5,874 is more than a quarter of that persons yearly income. There is just no conseavalbe way that people in this situation end up with health insurance under the Republican plan.

source: Kaiser Family Foundation