Before Retiring, Harry Reid Told Elizabeth Warren To Run For President

Former Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid apparently thinks Elizabeth Warren should run for president in 2020 in fact he told her as much before he retired last year.

The report is buried in a New York Times Magazine story about the future of the Democratic Party in the Trump era. Here is the relevant section:

“Shortly before Thanksgiving, he summoned Warren to the minority leader’s office. When she arrived, the room was littered with art supplies; on an easel was a half-finished portrait of Reid that would be unveiled at his retirement party the following month. Its subject was preoccupied with the future of the party to which he had dedicated decades of his life. Reid told Warren she needed to think seriously about running for president in 2020.”

Warren has been floated by others before as a potential presidential contender, including during the 2016 election.

The idea has new relevance as Warren has emerged as one of the strongest and most effective voices in the Democratic Party against Donald Trump.