Trump Approval Rating Back Down To Near-Record Lows
Donald Trump’s job approval rating continues to hover at near-record lows, according to Gallup.
The poll found that Donald Trump’s approval rating is just 36 percent.
At the same time, a whopping 58 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president.

source: Gallup
Donald Trump’s job approval rating has remained at record lows compared to all other presidents that Gallup has polled on.
Trump hit an all-time low in the Gallup poll on March 28 with 35 percent approval. Since then, Trump has fallen to 36 percent approval several times but has not reached the low 0f 35 percent.
About the poll: Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president. Daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
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