Donald Trump Has Been Hanging A Fake Copy Of Time Magazine In His Golf Clubs For Years
Donald Trump Just Got Busted Hanging A Fake Time Magazine Cover At His Golf Clubs.
According to the Washington Post, there’s a framed copy of Time Magazine hung up in at least four of Trump’s golf clubs. It has Donald Trump’s face on it. The title says “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!” And above that in all caps, it says “TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS . . . EVEN TV!”
Here’s the thing, it’s a fake.
The Washington Post report confirms that Donald Trump has been hanging a fake Time Magazine cover with his face on it in his golf clubs for years.
“In fact, the cover on display at Trump’s clubs, observed recently by a reporter visiting one of the properties, contains several small but telling mistakes. Its red border is skinnier than that of a genuine Time cover, and, unlike the real thing, there is no thin white border next to the red. The Trump cover’s secondary headlines are stacked on the right side — on a real Time cover, they would go across the top. And it has two exclamation points. Time headlines don’t yell,” The Washington Post notes.
Oh and Time Magazine also confirmed that it is a fake.
“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka, a spokeswoman for Time Inc told the Post.
Here is the real issue next to Trump’s fake:

Source: Washington Post
[image via screenshot]