We May Have Just Gotten Our First Smoking Gun In Trump-Russia Scandal
It was reported Thursday evening by the Wall Street Journal that during the election a Republican operative who bragged about working with Michael Flynn was working with Russian hackers to get emails hacked from Hillary Clinton’s private server.
On its own, this fact represents a major new development in the Trump-Russia scandal. It indicates Flynn’s involvement in efforts to acquire hacked documents from Russian sources.
If true, it is really bad for Flynn. But does it represent collusion with the Russians? Maybe, maybe not. It would mean he colluded with an American GOP operative who may have been colluding with Russia. But doesn’t yet connect Flynn directly to Russia.
However, buried deep in the article there is a very interesting item that may be the bombshell we have been looking for.
The report talks about U.S. intelligence reports that have evidence of Russian hackers talking about working with Flynn.
According to The Wall Street Journal, “Those investigators have examined reports from intelligence agencies that describe Russian hackers discussing how to obtain emails from Mrs. Clinton’s server and then transmit them to Mr. Flynn via an intermediary, according to U.S. officials with knowledge of the intelligence.”
This may also explain why Donald Trump was so interested in getting the investigation into Flynn dropped.
[image via screenshot]
GOP Operative Connected To Flynn Asked Hackers For Clinton Emails: Report