Investigators Probing Whether Pro-Trump Websites Colluded With Russia In 2016 Election: Report


Federal investigators are now looking into whether there was coordination between Russia and pro-Trump websites during the 2016 presidential election.

According to a new report by The Guardian, investigators are probing to find out if there was any coordination between Moscow and pro-Trump or far-right websites when it comes to the release of fake news.

The investigation includes whether there was any coordination in the release of fake stories targeting 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

An earlier report noted that Donald Trump’s digital director Brad Parscale has been asked to testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee.

Parscale ran Trump’s online advertising and voter targeting for the president’s campaign.

Senator Mark Warner who is the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee has reported that at least 1,000 “paid internet trolls working out of a facility in Russia” were pumping anti-Clinton fake news into social media sites during the election.

According to The Guardian, “The role of Russian generated fake news is a separate strand which has gained less attention up to now, but the part it played in depressing the Clinton vote in key states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania in the critical last days of the 2016 campaign could have helped change the course of recent American history.”

You can read the full report by The Guardian here.

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