White House’s Gender Pay Gap More Than Triples Under Trump
The pay gap between male and female White House staffers has more than tripled under the Trump administration, according to an analysis by economist Mark Perry of the conservative American Enterprise Institute.
In the Trump White House, a typical female staffer earns 63.2 cents for every dollar earned by a male staffer.
According to the Washington Post, “The median female White House employee is drawing a salary of $72,650 in 2017, compared to the median male salary of $115,000.”
The Trump White House pay gap of 37-percent is more than double the 17-percent national pay gap.
Perry also calculates that the White House gender pay gap was 11 percent in the final year of the Obama administration, meaning that the Trump pay gap is now more than triple what it was under Obama.

Source: Washington Post
Read the full report at the Washington Post here.
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