Adam Schiff Just Connected All Dots On Trump- Russia Scandal (Video)

The ranking Democrat on the House Intel Committee is turning the screws on Trump and his son.

After the bombshell revelation of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government during the 2016 election, House Intelligence Ranking Member Adam Schiff held a press conference connecting all the dots on the Russia saga.

Schiff noted that after the latest set of revelations, no one involved on the Trump side can be counted on for telling truthful stories about their involvement with Russia.

“This is obviously very significant, deeply disturbing new public information,” Schiff said.

Part 1:

Schiff also said “we will certainly want” Donald Jr. to come before the House Intelligence Committee, any more documents the campaign may have.

Schiff went on to say that the House Intelligence Committee will want to see whether the president’s assistant received any information, based on the details in the Donald Jr. emails.

Part 2:

Schiff was asked if this was a breach of law or just a breach of norms. Schiff responded saying it was a “breach of norms” and “breach of civic responsibility to the country” to not report to the FBI continuing by saying “This was unethical.”

Schiff also pointed to all the potential laws that could apply to the situation including conspiracy and campaign finance laws.

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