Senate Parliamentarian Just Knocked Down Another Key Part Of GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill

Not so fast.

The Senate parliamentarian has advised Republicans in the Senate that another key provision of their health care proposal will require 60 votes and cannot be passed under the current budget reconciliation process.

The provision in question is a proposal to allow insurers to offer policies that meet Obamacare’s 10 patent protections the so-called essential benefits.

The parliamentarian has ruled the language in the GOP bill would violate the rules of budget reconciliation, meaning Republicans can’t pass it with just 51 votes.

Several versions of the GOP Obamacare repeal bill have failed in Senate votes over the last two days.

The parliamentarian has already ruled that several other provisions in the GOP plan also violate Senate rules including the provisions to defund planned parenthood or the requirement that federal funds can not be used for abortions.

Republicans in the Senate are now shifting focus to a new plan they are calling the “skinny repeal” which would eliminate the individual and employer mandates.