Some Good News for Obamacare

Obamacare just got a new ally.

Sorry Trump, but it looks like Obamacare is not “imploding.”

Ohio, a critical battleground state, once had 20 counties without any health plans available on the Obamacare exchanges.

On Monday, the state said that number is down to just one.

This means for thousands of Ohioans, they can now purchase a health insurance plan in 2018 through Obamacare.

The counties cover 11,000 Ohio residents who purchase their insurance through the exchanges, as opposed to getting their coverage through their employer, Medicare, or Medicaid.

Paulding County, Ohio is now the only county in the state doesn’t have a health plan available through the exchanges.

“There is more work to do as we try to secure coverage options in Paulding County while also making sure this plan can be finalized in the fall,” Ohio Department of Insurance director Jillian Froment said in a news release.

“We will continue working with the industry, but those efforts are heavily dependent on market stability and clarity from Washington. We encourage Congress to work on ways to stabilize our health insurance markets.”