Marco Rubio Says Trump’s Immigration Plan Doesn’t Have A Chance In The Senate

Rubio says it ain’t happening.

Senator Marco Rubio threw cold water on Donald Trump’s plan to dramatically cut legal immigration to the United States.

Rubio said the bill wouldn’t pass in the Senate.

“That bill’s not going to pass. … I think the White House knows that you don’t have 60 votes for that in the Senate,” Rubio said during an interview with a local CBS station in Florida.

The Trump administration has characterized the plan as a “merit-based” system to immigration. However, critics have said that the plan would dramatically cut legal immigration to the United States and break with America’s promise for people around the world.

The Trump plan would prioritize wealthy immigrants who can speak English.

Rubio went on to say, “Where I probably have a big difference of opinion with this bill is that it sets an arbitrary cap on the number of people that are able to come through with a green card. I don’t think that should be an arbitrary cap, that number should be driven by demand.”