Special Counsel Requests Interviews With Trump Staff Over Russia Meeting Statement

White House staffers are about to start feeling the heat.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has started requesting interviews with White House staffers who were aboard Air Force One when the initial false and misleading statement about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer was written.

According to CNN, Mueller is trying to determine who was involved in crafting the statement and whether information was intentionally excluded. You know, as part of a cover up.

The answers are likely to be very important to Mueller’s obstruction of justice investigation.

“The special counsel’s discussions with the White House are the latest indication that Mueller’s investigators are interested in the response to the Trump Tower meeting. Mueller wants to know how the statement aboard Air Force One was put together, whether information was intentionally left out and who was involved, two of the sources said,” CNN reports.

CNN also reports that the White House is reportedly trying to find funding for staff legal defense.

Donald Trump Jr.’s initial statement claimed that he “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” when he met with a Kremlin lawyer. That statement was almost immediately proven false by additional reporting by the New York Times and later by Donald Trump Jr.’s emails.

Previous reporting confirmed that Mueller had sent out record preservation requests to White House staff.

Read the full CNN report here.