Right-Wingers Meltdown Over Prospect Of DACA Deal With Dems

GOPers are in full public freakout.

There is a major meltdown going on in Republican American today after Donald Trump seemingly made a deal with Democrats to fix DACA.

Immediately after the deal was announced, prominent right-wingers started their public freak out.

Here’s what they have been saying:

Congressman Steve King tweeted: “If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair. No promise is credible.”

Laura Ingraham tweeted: “Dems’ ‘Border security’ pledge is MEANINGLESS… When does American working class w/out real wage increase in 15yrs & who send their kids to overcrowded public schools get amnesty?”

Ann Coulter tweeted: “At this point, who DOESN’T want Trump impeached?”

Sean Hannity
tweeted: “Weak R’s have betrayed voters. @POTUS needs to stay the course and keep his promises or it’s over! Pelosi and Schumer can never be trusted…. If reports true 100%. I blame R’s. They caused this…”