CNN Cuts Program Short After Fox Sports Radio Host Says He Likes ‘Boobs’ (Video)

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin cut a segment short on Friday when a guest decided to talk about boobs and how much he likes them.

[watch video below]

During a CNN segment about ESPN anchor Jemele Hill who called President Trump a “white supremacist,” Fox Sports host Clay Travis said he believes in “the First Amendment and boobs.”

As expected, the inappropriate comment quickly derailed the conversation.

Travis was on CNN to discuss the controversy surrounding ESPN anchor Jemele Hill calling President Trump a “white supremacist” on Twitter earlier this week.

“I’m a First Amendment absolutist and believe in two things completely — the First Amendment and boobs,” Travis said.

Anchor Brooke Baldwin asked Travis to clarify if he said the word “boobs” or “booze.”

“Boobs. Two things that never let me down: the First Amendment and boobs,” Travis said. “Those are the two things I believe in absolutely in the country.”

“I’m not talking about that on television because it’s irrelevant to the topic. It shouldn’t be brought up here,” former ESPN editor Keith Reed interjected.

“Why not?” Travis asked.

“I’m a supporter of women in their careers. I’m a supporter and a stark supporter of women like Brooke who have shared the airwaves before,” Reed said.
Baldwin cut in to end the segment, saying she was shocked by Travis’s remark about “boobs.”

“I’m done. I’m sorry. I’m done,” Baldwin said.

“This conversation is over.”

Watch the segment here: