Republicans’ Last-Ditch Obamacare Repeal Bill Is Gaining Steam

GOP bill gets support from Arizona Governor suggesting John McCain may vote yes.

Here we go again.

If you thought the fight to save Obamacare was over, think again. A new GOP plan called Graham-Cassidy is gaining steam in the Senate.

Republicans only have 12 days left to pass an Obamacare repeal under the budget reconciliation process. Reconciliation allows for just 51 votes rather than the traditional 60 votes in the Senate but the Senate Parliamentarian has declared the deadline for reconciliation to be September 30.

So far, it doesn’t appear that Republicans have the 51 votes but the bill is gaining momentum as GOP Senators face pressure ahead of the September 30 deadline.

And that momentum came from Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) who announced his support for the bill.

You may remember that Arizona Senator John McCain was one of three Republicans to vote no on the last bill. McCain has repeatedly said that one of his requirements to vote yes on an Obamacare repeal bill is the support of his Governor.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell won’t bring the bill up for a vote unless he is sure that Republicans have 50 votes (plus one vote from Vice President Pence). However, according to a report by The Hill, McConnell is “taking it very seriously.”

“The Leader asked CBO to prioritize the score on the legislation,” said McConnell spokesman David Popp. “We expect regular staff briefings and Member discussions to continue.”

Senator Rand Paul has thus far said he opposes the bill because it keeps too much of Obamacare.

And Susan Collin, who was one of the three no votes last time, is expected to vote no on Graham-Cassidy.

If Lisa Murkowski also holds her no vote then another no vote from either Rand Paul or John McCain would sink the bill.

[image via NBC screenshot]