Deputy Attorney General Has Been Interviewed By Mueller: Report

Rosenstein interviewed by Special Counsel over Comey firing. 

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators about President Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, according to a new report by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

According to the Journal report, Mueller’s investigators questioned Rosenstein in June or July, after Comey was fired by President Trump’s over the Russia investigation into possible ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.

Rosenstein named Mueller as Special Counsel after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself. Sessions’ recusal means that Rosenstein is overseeing the investigation.

Mueller is investigating the circumstances surrounding Comey’s firing. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Special Counsel seems does not view Rosenstein as a key witness in the investigation, since the deputy attorney general has not recused himself from that investigation, and Mueller still reports to him.

Read the full Wall Street Journal report here.

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