U.S. Intercepts Captured Conversations Between Manafort And Russians About Election

CBS confirms wiretap, reveals conversations with Russians about the election. 

United States intelligence officials picked up conversations between Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort and Russian individuals about the 2016 campaign, CBS News reported Tuesday.

The new report that Manafort was captured discussing the election with Russians comes just one day after the revelation that U.S. authorities had a FISA warrant to wiretap Manafort’s communications during the campaign as well as after the election.

According to the CBS report, “The intercepts potentially include conversations between Manafort and President Trump.”

“The recordings are now part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which appears to be intensely focused on Manafort,” the report goes on to note.

According to the CBS report, it is unclear what information was captured during Manafort’s conversation with Russian individuals and whether there are any ties to President Trump.

Manafort continues to a central figure in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the election.

Read the full CBS News report here.

[image via NBC]