Support For Single Payer Is Surging: Poll

Half of all Americans now support single payer health care.

While Republicans are making a last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare, a new poll out Wednesday finds that Americans want the government to provide more health care, not less.

Nearly half of all Americans support single-payer health care, according to the new Politico/Morning Consult poll.

The poll found that 49 percent of Americans support a health care system where “Americans would get their health insurance from one government plan.”

Just over a third of the country, 35 percent, say they oppose single payer health care.

And 17 percent say they have no opinion.

“Support among Democratic voters has jumped since the last POLITICO/Morning Consult poll to test a single-payer plan,” according to Politico.

According to Kyle Dropp the co-founder and chief research officer of Morning Consult, “The surge of support for single-payer health care among Democrats is striking.”

“In April, 54 percent of Democrats supported the notion. Just five months later and that support has risen to 67 percent.”

The strong support for a single payer health systems comes just days after Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democrats unveiled a Medicare for all proposal.

Support for single-payer largely breaks down along party lines with two-thirds of Democrats supporting a universal health care system and just 33 percent of Republicans saying they support single payer.

Among Republicans, a majority, 52 percent, oppose single payer.

About the poll: The Politico/Morning Consult poll was conducted from Sept. 14 to 17 among 1,994 registered voters. Its margin of error is 2 percent.

[image via CNN screenshot]