WATCH: Dylan Ratigan Drop Some Truth On Pro-Trump Conservative
Conservative gets nailed after falsely claiming taxpayers from red states subsidize blue states.
[watch the video below]
A pro-Trump conservative who was trying to defend the Republican tax scam got caught in lie during a CNN panel discussion.
The discussion was about how the GOP tax bill reduces people’s ability to deduct state and local taxes from their federal taxes – a major problem for a lot of people in blue states with high state and local taxes.
The conservative panelist tried to claim that red states don’t want to subsidize high spending blue states. “And I’ll tell you from someone who comes from Indiana in the Midwest where we believe in low taxes, responsible spending,” the panelist said.
“We also don’t think that our tax dollars should be used to offset the bloated out-of-control spending of these traditional Blue states. Ans so that money is taken out of our pockets.”
The only problem with that is that it is entirely untrue. And Ratigan quickly nailed him for it.
“It’s interesting that you would say that,” Ratigan said. “Actually the Blue States actually pay two times as much to the Red States than the Red states receive. So what you said was not actually correct. What you’re saying now is that in addition to taking money from the Blue States to pay for Indiana’s infrastructure, you’re also going to reduce the tax deduction for Blue State tax holders to pay for their own infrastructure while they still subsidize the Red States.”
Watch the moment here:
Dylan Ratigan embarrassed Conservative: Red States mooch off of Blue State (VIDEO) –
— Egberto Willies (@EgbertoWillies) December 16, 2017
[image via CNN]