Trump White House Counsel, National Security Adviser Likely To Depart Soon

White House Cheif of Staff John Kelly is attempting to get ahead of what is expected to be a massive exodus from the Trump White House in coming weeks.

Staff in the Trump White House have been told to leave in January (this month) or be prepared to stay until after the November midterm elections, a new report by CNN notes.

According to the CNN report, White House Cheif of Staff John Kelly is attempting to get ahead of what is expected to be a massive exodus from the Trump White House in coming weeks.

Also of note in the CNN story are two very senior officials who are expected to leave the Trump White House.

According to the report, White House Counsel Don McGahn and National Security Adviser HR McMaster are both likely to depart their positions in the Trump White House soon.

Importantly, McGahn is a central figure in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump. McGahn has already been questioned extensively by Mueller’s team and would be a key witness against President Trump in an obstruction of justice case.

The CNN report also notes that the Trump White House is having major trouble recruiting people to fill open positions.

Read the full CNN story here.

[images via CNN screenshots]