Trump Has Record Low Approval, Half Question His Mental Stability: Poll

This is miserable polling, even for Trump. 

Just a day into the Trump shutdown, we just got a new poll showing President Trump his historically unpopular. In fact, there really are no positives for Trump in this poll. And it’s important to note this is before the shutdown, meaning things may get even worse for Trump in the near future.

According to the new ABC News/Washington Post poll, President Trump’s approval rating sits at just 36 percent – a record low for a president at this point in their presidency.

Trump’s disapproval rating stands at a massive 58 percent of Americans.

Trump fares even worse among women. Just 29 percent of women approve of Trump’s job performance.

Among men, Trump does a little better with 44 percent approving his job performance.

Half the country questions President Trump’s mental stability

But Trump’s polling troubles don’t end there. An astounding 47 percent of those surveyed say that President Trump is not mentally stable, while 48 percent say he is mentally stable.

Again, among women Trump’s fares even worse with 55 percent of women questioning Trump’s mental stability.

Here are some other rough number for Trump in ABC News/Washington Post poll: 

Tax Bill is bad for the country 

  • The Trump tax bill remains incredibly unpopular with 60 percent saying it favors the wealthy
  • And by a 12 point margin, 46 to 32, say the Trump tax bill is bad for the country.

Obamacare is very popular

  • 57 percent of Americans say that Obamacare is a good thing for the country

Americans are against Trump on DACA and the wall

  • An astounding 87 percent of Americans support DACA.
  • And 63 percent oppose Trump’s wall

More Americans give Obama credit for the economy than Trump

  • 50 percent give President Obama credit for the strong economy
  • Just 38 percent give credit to Trump

About the poll: The ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Jan. 15-18, 2018, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 1,005 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 31-23-40 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

[image via CNN screenshot]