Mueller To Interview Bannon By End Of The Week: Report

President Trump former chief strategist will sit down with Special Counsel investigators this week. 

The Russia investigation keeps inching closer to President Trump. A new report Wednesday reveals that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will question Steve Bannon this week as part of the Russia investigation.

The news, first reported by CNN, indicates just how close the Russia investigation has come to President Trump, with several senior members of his administration including Attorney General Jeff Sessions having been questioned as part of the probe.

According to CNN, Mueller wants to question Bannon about President Trump’s decisions to fire former FBI Director James Comey and his former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Which indicates Mueller is moving full speed ahead with an obstruction case against the president.

Mueller will also want to ask Bannon about “Trump’s decision to fire then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates and any pressure the President may have exerted on Sessions about the FBI investigation into Russia’s interference with the election.”

Read the full CNN report here.

[image via DOJ/Creative Commons]