Several Top Republicans Skewer Trump Over Treasonous Putin Press Conference

Top Republicans finally rebuke Trump. 

It seems even Republicans can’t defend Donald Trump’s performance during a Monday morning press conference with Vladimir Putin.

During the presser, Trump engaged in a treasonous defense of Russia, refusing to condemn or confront the Russian dictator for his attack on the 2016 election. And at the same time, Trump attacked former President Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Americans for the Russian attack.

Here are some of the reactions from Republicans following the Trump-Putin press conference in Helsinki, Finland Monday.

Senator John McCain

“Today’s press conference in #Helsinki was one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”

Senator Lindsay Graham

“Missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly hold Russia accountable for 2016 meddling and deliver a strong warning regarding future elections. This answer by President Trump will be seen by Russia as a sign of weakness and create far more problems than it solves. It is imperative that Congress hold hearings on the extent and scope of any cooperation with Russia in Syria regarding Iran’s presence. Finally, if it were me, I’d check the soccer ball for listening devices and never allow it in the White House.”

Governor John Kasich

“We need to be clear. Russia is our foe. Putin is actively trying to hurt our country. America needs to speak with one voice AGAINST Russia.”

Senator Jeff Flake

“I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful.”

Congressman Trey Gowdy

“Russia is not our friend. Russia attempted to undermine the fundamentals of our democracy, impugn the reliability of the 2016 election…it is possible to conclude Russia interfered with our election in 2016 without delegitimizing [Trump’s] electoral success.”
[Image via Gage Skidmore, CSPAN, CNN]