Trump FCC Just Voted To Repeal Obama Net Neutrality Rules
The internet is about to get a lot less open.
In a major blow to advocates of an open internet, the Trump FCC voted Thursday to repeal Obama-era Net Neutrality rules.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 to repeal its landmark net neutrality protections.
The vote to end the 2015 Open Internet Order put in place by the FCC under the Obama administration.
Open internet activists and Democratic lawmakers protested outside as the vote took place.
Tech companies, open internet advocates, Democrats and consumer groups have pressed for months to try to block the repeal.
At the same time, internet service providers (ISPs) like Comcast and Verison have lobbied to change the rules essentially giving them the power to charge fees for broadband creating an unfair advantage for companies that can afford to pay the tolls.
The regulation repeal would also put the ISPs in the position of policing themselves.
[image via FCC]