WATCH: Seth Meyers Scorches Trump Over Shameful Charlottesville Response
Meyers nailed it in Monday’s opening monologue.
Seth Meyers, the host of Late Night on NBC, delivered a blistering critique of Donald Trump for failing to condemn the whit supremasist violence in Charlottesville over the weekend and suggesting there was violence on “many sides.”
“On many sides. If that choice of words made you feel sick to your stomach, the good news is you’re a normal and decent person,” Meyers said Monday night.
“The jury is still out on the president,” he continued.
Meyers continued by saying that Trump’s statement on Monday was too late.
Meyers then listed some of the most prominent examples of Trump’s “racist” actions. He cited Trump’s racist birther lie about President Obama, the Mexicans are “rapists” comment during his presidential announcement speech and calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas,”
“Donald Trump did not immediately denounce the white supremacist movement when given the chance and now, whether he knows it or not, many of those people see him as leading that movement,” Meyers said.
Meyers then said that it is the job of the president to “absolutely, unequivocally and immediately condemn what is evil in us.”
“You can stand for a nation, or you can stand for a hateful movement,” he said. “You can’t do both.”
“If you don’t make the choice, I’m confident that the American voter will.”
Watch the video here:
[image via NBC screenshot]