Author: Stephanie Moffat

Conservative Senator Confirms GOP Trying To Force Bill Through Without Proper Review

Conservative Senator Confirms GOP Trying To Force Bill Through Without Proper Review   Republican Senator Just Published An Op-Ed Blasting the GOP Health Bill. Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, published an op-ed Monday blasting the Senate GOP’s plan and process to repeal and replace Obamacare. Johnson said the Republican plan would note solve issues with Obamacare and would, in fact, make them worse. He also noted that the bill only throws money at the problem. Johnson wrote in The New York Times that Republicans have been pushing to “repair the damage done by ObamaCare for so long.” “Our...

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American Medical Association Announces Opposition To Republican Health Bill

American Medical Association Announces Opposition To Republican Health Bill   The nation’s largest medical organization has come out against the Republican health care bill. On Monday the American Medical Association announced its opposition to the Senate health care bill. The AMA’s CEO James Madara wrote a letter saying the bill would violate the AMA’s core principle that doctors “first, do no harm.” For the AMA Medicaid cuts were the main concern however they also raised the issue with smaller subsidies and waivers of benefits “will expose low and middle income patients to higher costs and greater difficulty in affording...

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Al Franken Perfectly Explains The Meanness Of GOP Health Bill (Video)

Al Franken Perfectly Explains The Meanness Of GOP Health Bill (Video)   [watch the video below] Senator Al Franken on Monday got straight to the heart of the fundamental meanness of the Republican health care plan. During an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Franken called the plan “cruel” because it would take health care away from 750,000 people in exchange for tax cuts for just 400 of the wealthiest taxpayers. “The top 400 hundred people in terms of tax cuts here, the amount of money they’ll get in tax cuts would pay for Medicaid for 750,000 people,” Franken said....

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Supreme Court Upholds Block On Trump Muslim-Ban, Will Hear Case In October

Supreme Court Upholds Block On Trump Muslim-Ban, Will Hear Case In October BREAKING: Donald Trump’s Muslim-Ban Just Suffered A Major Setback At Supreme Court. The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will hear the case of Donald Trump’s Muslim-ban. However, possibly even more importantly, the high court upheld lower court rulings blocking the ban from taking effect until the Supreme Court decides on the case. However, the high court upheld lower court rulings blocking the ban from taking effect until the Supreme Court decides on the case. The Trump administration did have a partial victory, however, because the Supreme Court...

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Jared Kushner Received Massive Loan From Russian-Linked German Bank

Jared Kushner Received Massive Loan From Russian-Linked German Bank   Donald Trump’s son-in-law received a massive load from a German bank with ties to Russia and Trump just before the election. The Washington Post reported Sunday evening that Kushner’s real estate company received a $285 million loan a month before Election Day from Deutsche Bank which has also lent millions to Donald Trump. According to the report, “Kushner’s association with Deutsche Bank is among a number of financial matters that could come under focus as his business activities are reviewed by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is...

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