Category: News

Acting Attorney General Says Justice Department Won’t Defend Trump’s “Muslim Ban” in Court

Acting Attorney General Says Justice Department Won’t Defend Trump’s “Muslim Ban” in Court Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, in a stunning announcement, has told Justice Department lawyers not to make legal arguments defending President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees, according to multiple news reports. Yates is an appointee of former President Barack Obama and is acting Attorney General until Donald Trump’s nominee is confirmed by the Senate. According to a letter the New York Times acquired the acting Attorney General Sally Yates said , “I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain...

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PHOTOS: Democrats Rally In Front Of Supreme Court

On Monday night, following a weekend of protests across the country, Democrats held a rally in front of the Supreme Court. Democratic congressional leaders including Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer spoke to the crowd of hundreds who joined the rally. Senator Cory Booker rallied the crowd saying, “when someone attacks Muslims they attack all of us.” ***This event is still developing, please check back for updates*** PHOTOS: Democrats Rally In Front Of Supreme Court .@TheDemocrats hold rally in front of Supreme Court @alfranken — Progressive Post (@ProgressPostdly) January 30, 2017 .@TheDemocrats hold rally in front of Supreme Court...

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Editorial: The Trump Administration Is Creating A Constitutional Crisis By Ignoring Federal Judges On Muslim-Ban

Editorial: The Trump Administration Is Creating A Constitutional Crisis By Ignoring Federal Judges On Muslim-Ban Donald Trump only needed to be in office for one week before creating a constitutional crisis the likes of which America hasn’t seen in several decades. Here is how it all went down. First, late on Friday, Donald Trump issued an executive order essentially banning millions of Muslims and refugees from entering the United States. Trump’s ban also extended to about 500,000 legal permanent residents of the United States who happen to be from one of the 7 countries he arbitrarily selected. However, the Trump Administration has...

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Obama Releases First Statement Since Leaving White House, Supports National Protests

Obama Releases First Statement Since Leaving White House, Supports National Protests Former President Barack Obama just released his first official statement since leaving the White House, on Monday Obama expressed his support for the nationwide protests sparked by Donald Trump’s executive order banning Muslims and refugees from entering the U.S. Here is Obama’s full statement: Obama statement on the protests of Trump’s Executive Order — Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) January 30, 2017 Obama’s statement rejected the Trump administration’s recent defense of the executive order as being similar to Obama’s immigration policy in 2011. “The president fundamentally disagrees with the notion...

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Senate Democrats Will Filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court Pick

Senate Democrats Will Filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court Pick According to multiple reports, Senate Democrats are planning to block Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick no matter who he nominates. The Trump administration has said that Trump will announce his nominee on Tuesday evening. But Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon said in an interview on Monday morning that he plans to filibuster any Trump nomination that isn’t Merrick Garland. That means Trump’s nominee will need 60 votes to be confirmed by the Senate. Senator Merkley also said that the majority of his Democratic colleagues will also be opposed. “This is a stolen seat....

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