Category: News

U.S. Diplomats Have Drafted A “Dissent Memo” Objecting To Trump’s Muslim Ban

U.S. Diplomats Have Drafted A “Dissent Memo” Objecting To Trump’s Muslim Ban According to a report by ABC News, “dozens of foreign service officers and other career diplomats stationed around the world are so concerned about President Donald Trump’s new executive order restricting Syrian refugees and other immigrants from entering the United States that they are contemplating taking the rare step of sending a formal objection to senior State Department officials in Washington.” The memo represents the most significant opposition so far from within the Trump administration to the Donald Trump’s Muslim-ban order. According to ABC News the memo warns, “This...

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REPORT: Trump Admin Is Lying About Briefing Dept. Of Homeland Security Chief Before Signing Muslim-Ban

REPORT: Trump Admin Is Lying About Briefing Dept. Of Homeland Security Chief Before Signing Muslim-Ban The Trump administration spent the weekend claiming that they did, in fact, brief various government agencies and people on Capitol Hill. Well it turns out they are lying again. The New York Times is reporting that the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security learned about Donald Trump’s Muslim-ban executive order when Trump signed it on television. According to the New York Times: As President Trump signed a sweeping executive order on Friday, shutting the borders to refugees and others from seven largely Muslim countries, the...

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WATCH: 5 Year Old’s Emotional Reunion With His Mother After Being Detained

WATCH: 5 Year Old’s Emotional Reunion With His Mother After Being Detained Included in the dozens of individuals who were detained because of Donald Trump’s reckless and ill-considered Muslim-ban was a 5-year-old boy who was detained for hours. The emotional video shows the boy being reunited with his mother after a several hour detention and being peppered with kisses at Washington D.C.’s Dulles International Airport. According to Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, the little boy is a U.S. citizen and Maryland resident. The child’s family is from Iran. With his family surrounding the mother and son they rushed out...

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WATCH: Chuck Schumer Emotionally Vows To Fight Trump Muslim-Ban

On Sunday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to fight Donald Trump’s executive order banning the entry of refugees and people from 7  Muslim-majority countries.   Schumer fought back tears as he said, “This order was mean-spirited and un-American.” “The president wants people to believe that everyone’s a terrorist or a criminal who’s an immigrant. It’s not fair and it’s not right.” “We’re demanding the president reverse these executive orders that go against what we are, everything we have always stood for,” Schumer said. Schumer said that his middle name, “Ellis,” referring to Ellis Island. “This fight’s in my...

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16 Attorneys General Condemn Trump’s Muslim-Ban

16 Attorneys General Condemn Trump’s Muslim-Ban In a statement released Sunday, 16 attorneys general from states around the country are condemning Donald Trump’s executive order banning Muslims and refugees by calling it “unconstitutional, un-American and unlawful.” The attorneys general have pledged to “work together to ensure the federal government obeys the Constitution, respects our history as a nation of immigrants, and does not unlawfully target anyone because of their national origin or faith.” The statement went on to say, “We are confident that the Executive Order will ultimately be struck down by the courts. In the meantime, we are committed...

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