Category: News

10 Best Women’s March Signs (NSFW)

The massive Women’s March rallies are exceeding everyone’s turnout expectations. And among the million plus that have marched today, there are some pretty hilarious signs. Here are 10 of our favorites: 1. Don’t pee on me @realDonaldTrump this is a very unimportant subject to me, but check out this sign. — Scott Conroy (@ScottFConroy) January 21, 2017 2. I get wet for basic human rights Not raining yet in Oakland, but many are gathering! @hrw — Clara Long (@clarychka) January 21, 2017 3. Our rights are not up for grabs, neither are we This is the face of...

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Donald Trump Deletes One of First Tweets as President for Spelling Mistake

Donald Trump ‘Honered’ to Serve as 45th President Yes, you read that right. One of Donald Trump’s first tweets as President of the United States had a spelling error. As you may remember, Trump’s presidential account didn’t have a good start – using President Barack Obama’s inauguration day photo as the cover photo. And now, he can’t even spell the word honor. Saving this for postority. — Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) January 21, 2017 Of course, Trump immediately deleted it, but it took TWELVE minutes. Look Donny, now that you’re president, maybe it’s time to invest in a spell...

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PHOTOS: Huge Turnout At Women’s March Rallies Around the Country

We are starting to get a sense of just how big the Women’s March rallies are as hundreds of thousands turnout across the country. PHOTOS: huge turnout at Women’s March rallies around the country Here are the photos that show just how big the turnout is: Washington D.C.   This is so brilliant. #WomensMarch — Greg James (@gregjames) January 21, 2017 This is what it looks like on the National Mall in Washington, DC during #WomensMarch today — CNN International (@cnni) January 21, 2017 It’s Only 11:30 A.M. And the Women’s March in DC Has Already Drawn...

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7 Most Embarrassing Photos of Donald Trump’s Tiny Inauguration Crowd

Donald Trump promised an inauguration crowd that would beat records. Well, it definitely wasn’t the biggest, but it is possible he had the smallest crowd. Here are the most embarrassing photos of Trump’s inauguration crowd. 1. The bleachers right next to President Trump’s White House viewing stand was totally empty   The bleachers right next to Pres. Trump’s White House viewing stand for the Inauguration Parade are virtually empty. — Micah Grimes (@MicahGrimes) January 20, 2017 2. Mike Pence and family walk past an empty bleacher Vice President Mike Pence just passed …#InaugurationDay2017 — Deborah Berry (@dberrygannett) January 20, 2017 3....

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WATCH: Just In Time, Bill Maher Returns to Slam Donald Trump

Bill Maher picked the right day to return to his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher.” As progressives, liberals and all other shades of leftist sat in shock today watching Donald Trump be inaugurated, we all knew that there was only one thing that could help us feel a little better about this epic catastrophe – Bill Maher. And Maher didn’t disappoint. Maher said he was in a depressed mood but that didn’t prevent him from hurling mockery and insults at the new president. One of Maher’s jokes noted that, when being sworn into office, Trump placed his hand on two Bibles, on...

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