Category: News

NY TIMES: Rick Perry Thought His Job Would Be To Promote Oil And Gas Industry

NY TIMES: Rick Perry thought his job would be to promote oil and gas industry According to a New York Times report, when Rick Perry accepted the job offer from Donald Trump to be secretary of energy, he thought the job would have “a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry…” This is, of course, the federal agency that Rick Perry famously forgot he wanted to shut down during a Republican presidential debate in 2012. The New York Times piece goes on to say: In the days after, Mr. Perry, the former Texas governor, discovered that he would...

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10 Times That Barack and Michelle Made Us Believe Again

As the Obamas leave the White House, we thought we’d take a moment to remember some of our favorite moments between Barack and Michelle. Here are 10 of our favorites.   1. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama share a (somewhat) private moment in a freight elevator at an Inaugural Ball 2. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama ride in a golf cart at an Inaugural Ball in Washington 3. Obama family portrait in the Oval Office   4. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama look out at the Chicago skyline   5. President Barack...

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Abortion Rate at Lowest Rate Since Roe v Wade, Thanks to Obamacare

Abortion rate at lowest rate since Roe v Wade, thanks to Obamacare According to a new study, the United States abortion rate is at its lowest rate since abortions became legal in 1973.  The researchers estimate that there are 14.6 abortions for every 1,000 women of reproductive age which is down 14% from three years earlier. Researchers believe that increased access to health care including birth control has led to a substantial increase in the use of IUDs in recent years since they have become more affordable. Obamacare requires insurance companies cover birth control without charging a copayment The...

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More Confirmation That FBI Is Investigating Russian Funding of Trump’s Campaign

More confirmation that the FBI is investigating Russian funding of Trump’s campaign According to a report in McClatchy DC, the FBI and five other intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies have been investigating for months Rusian attempts to influence the election, including whether money from Russian was funneled into Donald Trump’s campaign account. The McClatchy DC piece says, “The agencies involved in the inquiry are the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the director of national intelligence, the sources said. “Investigators are examining how money may...

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