Category: News

President Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning’s Sentence, Will be Freed in May

[AdSense-A] President Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence, will be freed in May On Tuesday, President Barack Obama commuted most of the remaining prison sentence Chelsea Manning faces, announcing she will be freed from prison in May. Manning was an army intelligence analyst that was convicted of an enormous 2010 leak that revealed American military and diplomatic activities across the world including revealing U.S. torture. According to the New York Times: “The decision by Mr. Obama rescued Ms. Manning, who twice tried to commit suicide last year, from an uncertain future as a transgender woman incarcerated at the male military...

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CBO: 18 Million to Lose Insurance in first Year If Obamacare is Repealed

[AdSense-A] CBO: 18 Million to Lose Insurance in First Year If Obamacare is Repealed The Congressional Budget Office just released a report on the expected effects of the Republican plan to repeal of Obamacare immediately but keep some elements of the coverage expansion in place for two years. And their analysis shows that at least 18 million people will lose their insurance in the first year and that people trying to buy insurance in the private market will face up to 25% higher premiums. The CBO analysis throws cold water on the Republican claim that there will be an “orderly...

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New Poll: Donald Trump’s Favorable Rating is 34 Percent

[AdSense-A] New Poll: Donald Trump’s favorable rating is 34 percent Another day, another new poll confirming that Donald Trump is set to take office as the least popular president… possibly ever. With just a few days before Trump takes office, a new Monmouth University poll shows that only 34 percent of Americans view Donald Trump favorably. That is compared to 46 percent who have a negative opinion of him, according to the poll which was released Tuesday. In the same poll, President Barack Obama has very high, 56 percent approval rating and remarkably low 38 percent disapproval rating. [AdSense-B] Americans...

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Michael Moore Agrees With John Lewis, Donald Trump is “Not a Legitimate President”

[AdSense-A] Michael Moore agrees with John Lewis, Donald Trump is “not a legitimate president” Michael Moore posted to his Facebook page Saturday to announce that he agrees with Rep. John Lewis that Donald Trump is “not a legitimate president.” Moore wrote, “Nothing, including an arcane, racist section of the constitution, can change the fact that 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary than for Trump. It’s either a democracy or it isn’t. If he had won by 3 million, I would sadly admit that Trump is the president the American people wanted. But that’s not what happened.” Moore went on to...

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Sex Assault Accuser Summer Zervos Sues Donald Trump for Defamation

[AdSense-A] Sex assault accuser Summer Zervos sues Donald Trump for defamation Summer Zervos, a former contestant on the Apprentice, filed a defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump on Tuesday. She was joined at a press conference with her attorney Gloria Allred. “No one is above the law, including the soon-to-be president,” Allred said during a press conference. In October, Summer Zervos accused Donald Trump of groping and kissing her during a 2007 business meeting without her permission. In her lawsuit, she calls Donald Trump a “liar and misogynist” for disparaging Zervos after she made the allegations. [AdSense-B] And the lawsuit claims...

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