Category: News

Surprise! Donald Trump Ready to Remove Russian Sanctions

[AdSense-A] Surprise! Donald Trump Ready to Remove Russian Sanctions Donald Trump made clear in a Wall Street Journal interview that he is willing to get rid of recently imposed sanctions against Moscow. The Obama Administration imposed new sanctions and expelled 35 Russian diplomats, in retaliation for Russia’s cyberattacks during the presidential election campaign. The new sanctions President Obama announced a few weeks ago are in addition to the already significant sanctions that the United States and Europe have imposed on Russia for their illegal annex of parts of Ukraine. But Donald Trump says he is ready to remove the sanctions...

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Donald Trump Attacks Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis on Twitter

[AdSense-A] Surprise, surprise – Donald Trump Takes To Twitter To Attack Rep. John Lewis Donald Trump apparently can’t resist complaining on Twitter about anyone who doesn’t agree with him. On Friday, Civil Rights icon and Congressman John Lewis told Chuck Todd on NBC News’ Meet the Press, “I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president,” citing the intelligence community’s assessment of Russian interference. Trump surprisingly had some self control (or maybe they took away his Twitter for the evening), and didn’t respond until early Saturday morning. [AdSense-B] Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping...

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Senate Intelligence Committee Announces Investigation Into Russian Election Hack

[AdSense-A] Senate Intelligence Committee Will Dive Deeper Into Russian Election Hack The Senate Intelligence Committee announced Friday night they will investigate Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election. The Senate’s investigation comes as questions continue to mount about Donald Trump’s connection to Russia. Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina, the committee’s chairman, and Senator Mark Warner from Virginia, the vice chairman, said in a joint statement that the investigation will also focus on Russian cyber activity and “active measures” against the United States. [AdSense-B] The statement added that the committee will produce a classified and unclassified report on its findings....

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Gallup: Trump Transition has Lowest Approval Rating Ever Recorded

[AdSense-A] Gallup: Trump transition has lowest approval rating ever recorded According to a new Gallup poll released Friday, Donald Trump’s transition has the lowest approval rating that Gallup has ever recorded. 51 percent of Americans say they disapprove of how he’s handled the transition, while only a meager 44 percent approve. Donald Trump’s numbers are especially bad, because American presidents usually experience a honeymoon period between Election Day and Inauguration Day. To provide some perspective, President Barack Obama had a 83 percent approval rating a week before his inauguration in 2009. George W. Bush, who also lost the popular...

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Republicans Just Took the First Step Towards Obamacare Repeal

[AdSense-A] Republicans just took the first step towards Obamacare repeal This week, Senate and House Republicans took the first major step towards Obamacare repeal. On Friday, House Republicans narrowly advanced a budget blueprint that is intended to be the eventual legislative vehicle for gutting Obamacare. No Democrats joined the Republicans in voting yes. The vast majority of Republicans voted with their party with the House voting 227-198 in support of the resolution and only nine Republicans voting against against it. Now that Republicans in the House have passed the reconciliation instructions, the appropriate committees will write the bills to repeal Obamacare. Then...

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