Trump Set to Take Office As Least Popular President in Modern History

Donald Trump is set to take office with the lowest approval ratings of any president in modern history. And Americans don’t have confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to handle the responsibilities of the office of the presidency. [AdSense-A] Majority of Americans don’t have confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to handle Presidency According to a new Gallop poll, less than half of Americans are confident that Donald Trump can handle the responsibilities of office. Only 46 percent of Americans are optimistic in Donald Trump’s ability to handle an international crisis Only 47 percent of Americans say they are confident that Donald Trump can...

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Magically, Republicans No Longer Care About Ethics

UPDATE: As of January 3, due to overwhelming public outcry and having their phone lines flooded, House Republicans backed off their plan to dismantle the Office of Congressional Ethics.  ## Now that Republicans have full control of Washington, it seems they suddenly no longer care about ethics. On the eve of the new Congress being sworn in, Republicans opted to gut their own ethics oversight office. [AdSense-A] Acording to Politico, “Monday’s effort was led, in part, by lawmakers who have come under investigation in recent years.” House Republicans on Monday adopted a proposal by Bob Goodlatte a Republican of...

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How Obamacare Repeal Would Impact 156M Who Get Insurance Through Employer

As Donald Trump and the Republicans get ready to take control of power in Washington and follow through on their promise to repeal Obamacare, a lot of attention has been paid to how the 20 million people who get their health insurance through Obamacare will be impacted. [AdSense-A] An Obamacare repeal would impact 156 million who get insurance through their employer However, a full repeal of Obamacare won’t just affect those on Obamacare plans. In fact, there are 156 million people who get their insurance through their employers in this country that would be at risk of having their benefits...

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Obama’s Farewell Address Set for Chicago

President Obama will give his farewell address from his hometown of Chicago next week. The address is likely his last chance to share a vision for the country and defend his legacy before Donald Trump takes office on January 20. [AdSense-A] Barack Obama’s farewell address set for Chicago Obama’s farewell address is scheduled for the evening of Jan. 10 at McCormick Place – a convention center overlooking Lake Michigan. And in an email to supporters, President Obama said the speech was “a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you’ve changed this country for...

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Three former White House Press Secretaries Sound the Alarm about Trump Press Relations

On Meet the Press Sunday three former White House press secretaries issued stern warnings about Donald Trump’s treatment of the press and the danger our free press will face with Trump in the White House. [AdSense-A] During a panel discussion with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd, Joe Lockhart former White House press secretary under President Bill Clinton, Nicolle Wallace former communications director for President George W. Bush and Ari Fleischer a former White House press secretary for George W Bush sounded the alarm over Trump’s treatment of the press and his seeming tenuous relationship with the truth. Joe Lockhart compared Donald Trump to...

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A Tale of Two Tweets: The Difference Between Barack Obama and Donald Trump

There is no doubt that Barack Obama and Donald Trump are very different men – but maybe nothing better encapsulates the differences between the two men than the way they chose to tweet for New Years. [AdSense-A] Per usual Barack Obama kept it classy with a gracious tweet that said, “It’s been the privilege of my life to serve as your President. I look forward to standing with you as a citizen. Happy New Year everybody.”   It’s been the privilege of my life to serve as your President. I look forward to standing with you as a citizen. Happy...

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Fox News Caught in Lie, Admits False Food Stamp Story

Last Tuesday, Fox News reported on “Fox & Friends” that there are millions of dollars of food-stamp fraud in the United States. [AdSense-A] Fox News Caught in Lie, Admits False Food Stamp Story On the show, co-host Abby Huntsman was introducing a panel discussion on the topic commenting, “Food-stamp fraud is at an all-time high, and some of the worst offenders this year have included a state lawmaker and a millionaire. This year, it is estimated $70 million of taxpayer money was wasted on food-stamp fraud. So is it time to end the program altogether?” Fox News story completely false...

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Donald Trump Spends New Years Denying Russian Hack

Donald Trump spent New Years Eve denying the Russian hacking and election interference. [AdSense-A] Trump spent a few minutes with reporters at a party at his private club. During the brief question and answer session with reporters, Trump reiterated his doubts about the accuracy of U.S. intelligence analysis findings that the Russian government hacked various political organizations with the goal of helping him win the presidency. The party itself came under scrutiny because Donald Trump chose to sell tickets to the party featuring himself as the special guest. Trump thinks his son’s computer skills disprove Russian hack When asked why he...

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Russian Malware Found on Vermont Power Utility Computer

Vermont Power Company, Burlington Electric has announced that Russian malware has been found on one of its computers. [AdSense-A] Russian Malware Found on Vermont Power Utility Computer This is the same computer code that is connected to Russian cyber attacks that U.S. intelligence agencies have said were used to hack the Democratic National Committee. This latest development in the Russian cyber attack scandal comes just one day after President Obama announced sanctions against Russia in response to the election hacking. According to Burlington Electric, the laptop was not connected to the power grid at the time the Russian malware...

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Member Mormon Tabernacle Choir Quits Rather Than Perform at Trump Inauguration

It is no secret that Donald Trump is having trouble finding celebrity performers for his inauguration, but now a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has resigned rather than perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration. [AdSense-A] Member Mormon Tabernacle Choir Quits Rather Than Perform at Trump Inauguration In a post on her Facebook page, Jan Chamberlin wrote “Looking from the outside in, it will appear that Choir is endorsing tyranny and fascism by singing for this man. I simply cannot continue with the recent turn of events. I could never look myself in the mirror again with self-respect.” The Morman...

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