President Sleaze: Trump Sold Tickets to His New Years Party

Politico is reporting that Donald Trump sold tickets to his New Years Party at his Mar-a-Lago estate. The President has reportedly sold hundreds of tickets to a New Years Eve party that Trump is holding at the Palm Beach club. [AdSense-A] Trump Sold Tickets to His New Years Party Trump charged more than $500 per ticket for his New Years Eve party, promoting the event by saying it would feature special guest: the president-elect of the United States of America and his family. The report reopens questions about the seemingly endless conflicts of interest that Trump will be bringing with...

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John McCain calls Russian Hack an ‘act of war’

Senator John McCain on Friday said that the Russian hack was an “act of war.” McCain, an outspoken critic of Putin, during an interview Friday, called on the United States to respond strongly to the Russian hack. [AdSense-A] John McCain calls Russian Hack an ‘act of war’ McCain is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has scheduled a hearing for next week on foreign cyber threats to the US, which will primarily focus on Russian cyber attacks. John McCain is one of the Senate’s most prominent foreign policy hardliners and he has characterized the recent sanctions and expulsions announced...

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TREASONOUS: Trump Praises Putin After Obama Announces Sanctions

One day after the Obama Administration announced sanction in response to the Russian election hacking, Donald Trump took to Twitter to praise Putin. [AdSense-A] Putin announced Friday afternoon that Russia would not be expelling any U.S. diplomats in response to the U.S. order for 35 Russian diplomats to leave the country. Trump praises Putin The shocking response from the President-Elect has left many baffled about why the incoming president would break from the current president, Congress and all U.S. intelligence agencies over  the Russian hacking scandal. True to form, Trump praised Putin on his favorite platform, Twitter saying, “Great move on...

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REPORT: Republicans Ready to Repeal Obamacare With No Replacement

Bloomberg is reporting that Republicans are continuing to move quickly towards repealing Obamacare early in the new year. However, Republicans still don’t have a plan to replace Obamacare that would come close to covering the 20 million people who stand to lose their insurance in an Obamacare repeal. [AdSense-A] Republican fervor to repeal Obamacare is particularly troubling because they continue to show no regard for the millions of people who will lose their healthcare under an Obamacare repeal. In fact, their current plan is to vote on a repeal immediately in the new congress but to delay that repeal for a few...

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Barack Obama Responds to Russian Hacking With Sanctions

President Barack Obama on Thursday sanctioned Russian officials and entities involved in the Russian election hacking of the 2016 election. [AdSense-A] Obama Responds to Russian Hacking In a statement put out by the White House, President Obama said, “All Americans should be alarmed by Russia’s actions.” The Obama administration’s is to two Russian intelligence agencies, three companies and four individual intelligence officers with sanctions banning them from travel and business with U.S. companies or individuals. President Obama has ordered 35 Russian operatives posted at diplomatic facilities in Washington and San Francisco to leave the United States. And the Obama...

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Trump, Again, Takes Credit for Jobs He Didn’t Create

Donald Trump appeared alongside Don King Wednesday to announce that he helped broker a deal with Sprint to bring 5,000 jobs back to the United States. [AdSense-A] The problem? Donald Trump didn’t have anything to do with the decision to bring the jobs to the United States. The jobs were part of a previously announced plan by Soft Bank, the Japanese company that controls Sprint. Trump, Again, Takes Credit for Jobs He Didn’t Create Oh, and by the way, this isn’t the first time Donald Trump has tried to take credit for these very same jobs. Trump had previously appeared...

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Obama protects Over 1.6 million Acres of Land in Utah and Nevada

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama designated over 1.6 million acres of land in Utah and Nevada as national monuments thereby protecting the two areas from mining and oil and gas drilling. [AdSense-A] Obama builds on legacy of protecting sensitive land and fighting climate change The move to protect the large swaths of land, which are rich in Native American Artifacts, comes as one of the final moves in Obama’s legacy of protecting the environment and fighting climate change. In a statement released with the announcement Obama said, “Today’s actions will help protect this cultural legacy and will ensure that...

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Trump Gives Stunningly Ignorant Answer About Russian Hack

During a bizarre appearance before reporters yesterday while flanked by Don King, Donald Trump gave a stunningly ignorant answer when asked about the Russian hack and election meddling. [AdSense-A] Trump’s answer regarding Russian hack is stunningly ignorant When asked about the consequences the Russians should face, Trump said, “I think we ought to get on with our lives.” Trump who hasn’t held a press conference in months appeared in front of cameras briefly standing next to boxing promoter convicted murderer Don King. Trump then said, “I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has...

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Obamacare Repeal Could Cost 13M Children Their Health Insurance

A major component of the Affordable Care Act – also known as Obamacare – is the expanded coverage of Medicaid for poor Americans. And according to analysis by the Urban Institute’s Health Policy Center, a Republican repeal of Obamacare could cost up to 13 million children their health coverage. [AdSense-A] In addition to the millions who have been able to purchase health coverage through Obamacare because of the subsidies for middle-class Americans, Obamacare provided states generous federal funding to expand Medicaid. Thirty-one states and the District of Columbia have adopted the expanded Medicaid coverage – extending health coverage to millions of...

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Why Republicans Want to Punish Filming on the House Floor

As Republicans prepare to ram their extreme conservative agenda through Congress they are making also considering how to prevent Democrats from standing in their way. House Republicans are trying to make it very costly for anyone to film on the House floor. [AdSense-A] On Monday, Republican leadership in the House proposed a rule that would punish any representatives who film, take photos, record or broadcast anything from the House floor. This was first reported by Bloomberg, saying first-time offenders would face a $500 fine and repeat offenders would see $2,500 which would be docked directly from their paychecks. Why Republicans want...

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