Obama confident he could have won a third term

Just a few weeks before President Obama is set to leave office, he spoke with former senior advisor, David Axelrod, saying among other things that he could have won a third term. [AdSense-A] Obama confident he could have won a third term The conversation covered many interesting topics including whether Obama thought he could have beat Donald Trump and won a third term – you know if that was something the Constitution allowed. President Obama is set to leave office as one of the most popular presidents in modern history, with an approval rating that seems to be soaring. During...

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Trump to Close Trump Foundation, No Word Yet on Hundreds of Businesses

Donald Trump announced on Saturday that he will close his foundation. In a statement, Trump said he was closing the Trump Foundation “to avoid even the appearance of any conflict.” [AdSense-A] The shuttering of the Trump Foundation comes with growing calls for Donald Trump to divest himself from his murky network of businesses that pose an unprecedented level of conflicts of interest. The decision appears to be aimed at resolving some of the most glaring potential conflicts of interest that his business and philanthropic empire poses. However, according to The New York Times, he has still not gone anywhere...

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Obamacare sign-ups surge!

Just as Donald Trump and the Republicans make plans to repeal it, Obamacare sign-ups surge. [AdSense-A]Enrollments on HealthCare.gov are outpacing last year’s sign-ups Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell announced Wednesday. HealthCare.gov is the federal exchange for consumers to purchase health insurance policies. Obamacare sign-ups surge As of Monday, the deadline for customers who want coverage that will be in place by Jan. 1 2017, 6.4 million people had signed up for health plans in the 39 states where the federal government operates the exchanges. The 6.4 million sign ups includes more than 2 million new customers. The overall total...

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After Texas Moves To Block Medicaid Funds, Planned Parenthood Vows to Continue Providing Care

Following more than a year of delays, Texas health officials have moved to block Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds beginning next in January 2017. In October of 2015, Texas officials announced to Planned Parenthood that the state was intending to block the organization from receiving Medicaid funds. Planned Parenthood responded to the move with a lawsuit seeking an injunction against the state. [AdSense-A] Over the last year, Texas didn’t follow through on its threat, and Planned Parenthood clinics continued to provide critical health services to Medicaid patients. However, on Tuesday, the Texas Health and Human Services Inspector General Stuart...

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Barack Obama Permanently Blocks Oil Drilling in Arctic, Atlantic

According to a White House statement on Tuesday, using his executive authority President Barack Obama permanently blocks oil drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. And according to a joint statement from Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada will also halt oil and gas exploration in its own Arctic waters. [AdSense-A] The move by Obama to protect the planet from climate change and potential oil spills comes just weeks before Donald Trump takes office. Donald Trump appears dead set on rolling back Barack Obama’s climate change progress. Trump famously referred to climate change as a Chinese hoax. Obama...

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FBI Director Didn’t Have Warrant Until 2 Days After Sending Letter to Congress

The controversy surrounding FBI Director James Comey’s letter to Congress 11 days before the election has resurfaced in a major way. On Tuesday, the warrant connected to the FBI search was revealed and legal experts who have reviewed the document saying the warrant should have never been granted. [AdSense-A] The FBI Director permanently changed the momentum in the presidential race 11 days before the election by sending Congress a letter saying the agency had discovered new evidence in its previously closed investigation into the emails Hillary Clinton. Clinton had a significant lead in the polls at the time Comey sent the...

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Impeachable Offense: Trump Organization Pressured Kuwait to Move Event to Trump Hotel

Think Progress is reporting that, Trump Organization Pressured Kuwait to Move Event to Trump Hotel. After receiving pressure from the Trump organization, the Kuwaiti Embassy moved a major event to the Trump International Hotel. Kuwait’s National Day celebration was originally scheduled to take place at the Four Seasons but will now take place at the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. [AdSense-A] According to Think Progress, legal experts have said that the allegations would constitute a violation of the Constitution. In fact, Harvard Law Professor Larry Tribe Harvard Law Professor, one of the nation’s foremost constitutional scholars, called the scenario a “paradigm...

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New Report: 36,000 people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed

That is right, according to a new study by the Urban Institue, nearly 36,000 people could die every year if Obamacare is repealed. The current Republican plan is to repeal Obamacare early in 2017, however despite campaigning against Obamacare for years now, Republicans still don’t any plan to replace Obamacare. In fact, there current plan can be described as something like, repeal and then figure out what to replace it with over the next few years. It goes without saying that this approach will put at risk the millions of people who currently rely on Obamacare for their health insurance....

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Democratic Governors Make Last Ditch Effort to Save Obamacare

Democratic governors around the country are quietly making appeals to Republican members of their state’s congressional delegations. Their goal is to slow down or fully stop the repeal of Obamacare. The governor’s message is simple: Repealing Obamacare now, would cause massive disruption in the healthcare markets and cost their constituents dearly. [AdSense-A] According to the Huffington Post, California Governor Jerry Brown’s  office confirmed that he had been in “close contact” with lawmakers in Washington DC, to discuss “potential challenges ahead” on health care. Simultaneously, Pennsylvania  Governor Tom Wolf is drafting a letter to Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the...

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New York Times Calls for End to Electoral College

The New York Times Editorial Board on Monday called for an end to the Electoral College. The New York Times joins a growing coalition that is calling to get rid of the Electoral College since Donald Trump won the presidency despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. [AdSense-A] NY Times calls for end to Electoral College From the New York Times piece: “…for the second time in 16 years, the candidate who lost the popular vote has won the presidency. Unlike 2000, it wasn’t even close. Hillary Clinton beat Mr. Trump by more than 2.8 million...

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